Kitab Allah
Kitab Allah

Kitab Kitab Allah: The Sacred Scriptures in Islam

Kitab Kitab Allah: The Sacred Scriptures in Islam

Meaning of „Kitab Kitab Allah“

In Islam, the term Kitab Kitab Allah (the Books of Allah) refers to the sacred scriptures revealed by God to humanity through His prophets. Kitab is the Arabic word for „book,“ and in the context of Islam, it refers to the divine scriptures that provide guidance, morality, and divine laws to mankind. These books hold a central place in Islamic theology as they are considered direct revelations from Allah, guiding humans on how to live a life pleasing to Him.

There are four main books that are recognized in Islam as Kitab Kitab Allah:

  • The Torah (Tawrat), revealed to Moses (Musa)
  • The Psalms (Zabur), revealed to David (Dawud)
  • The Gospel (Injil), revealed to Jesus (Isa)
  • The Quran, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم)

Muslims believe that Allah revealed these books as a guide for different peoples at different times. However, the Quran, as the last book, is considered the final and complete revelation, which supersedes and perfects the previous scriptures.

The Four Books of Allah in Islam

Islam acknowledges four main books as divine revelations. These scriptures were delivered to different prophets in various epochs and contain wisdom, laws, and spiritual guidance.

  1. The Torah (Tawrat) The Torah, also known as Tawrat, was revealed to Moses (Musa) and is considered the holy book for the Children of Israel. It contains the laws and commandments of Allah, which were meant to govern the lives of the Israelites according to divine principles. Muslims believe that the original Torah was revealed by Allah, but over time, it was altered by human intervention. Nevertheless, the Torah is highly respected in Islam as it plays a significant role in the history of divine revelations.
  2. The Psalms (Zabur) The Psalms, known in Islam as Zabur, were revealed to David (Dawud). This collection of praises and prayers contains wisdom and spiritual teachings meant to guide people toward a righteous and God-fearing life. The Zabur is also considered an important book in the series of divine revelations.
  3. The Gospel (Injil) The Injil or Gospel was revealed to Jesus (Isa). It conveyed the message of God’s love, forgiveness, and guidance for human life. Muslims believe that the original Gospel contained Allah’s words, but like the Torah, it was also altered and its current forms are no longer pure. Despite this, Muslims acknowledge the significance of the Injil as a divine revelation transmitted to Jesus.
  4. The Quran The Quran is the last and most complete revelation from Allah, revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم) over 23 years. The Quran is regarded as the unaltered word of God and is considered by Muslims as the final and conclusive divine guidance. Unlike previous scriptures, the Quran is seen as incorruptible and is the most important sacred text in Islam. It contains instructions on all aspects of life, from moral and ethical principles to laws and matters of faith.

The Quran as the Final and Complete Revelation

In Islam, the Quran holds a unique position as it is considered the final and most complete revelation from Allah. While the previous books, such as the Torah and the Gospel, are also acknowledged as divine revelations, the Quran is believed to be the only book that has remained fully intact and unchanged. Muslims believe that the Quran is Allah’s ultimate and comprehensive word, applicable to all people and for all time.

The Quran itself repeatedly emphasizes that it confirms and completes the earlier scriptures. For example, in Surah Al-Ma’idah (5:48), Allah says:

„And We have sent down to you the Book in truth, confirming the Scripture that came before it and as a guardian over it.“

Thus, the Quran provides not only spiritual and moral guidance but also detailed laws and commandments that govern all aspects of a Muslim’s life. It is regarded as the final word of Allah, preserved from corruption, and seen as more comprehensive than the earlier scriptures.

The Significance of the Previous Scriptures in Islam

In Islam, the Torah, Psalms, and Gospel are recognized as important revelations from Allah, delivered by various prophets. Muslims respect these books as part of Allah’s divine message, which was given to humanity at different times. Belief in these scriptures is an integral part of the Islamic creed. In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:285), it is mentioned:

„The Messenger believes in what has been sent down to him from his Lord, and [so do] the believers. Each one [of them] believes in Allah, His Angels, His Books, and His Messengers.“

However, Muslims believe that the original texts of these scriptures were altered over time and no longer exist in their pure form. Therefore, the Quran is regarded as the final and complete revelation that corrects and supersedes the previous scriptures.

The Preservation of the Quran Compared to Earlier Scriptures

One of the major differences between the Quran and the earlier scriptures is that the Quran is believed to be preserved from any corruption or alteration. Muslims hold that the earlier scriptures, such as the Torah and the Gospel, were changed by human hands and no longer reflect the original revelations from Allah. In contrast, the Quran is considered the unaltered word of Allah, which has been preserved in its original form since its revelation.

In Surah Al-Hijr (15:9), Allah states:

„Indeed, it is We who sent down the Reminder [Quran], and indeed, We will be its guardian.“

This verse is interpreted by Muslims as Allah’s promise that the Quran will be protected from any form of distortion or alteration. The meticulous methods of oral and written transmission of the Quran have ensured that the text has remained unchanged since its revelation.

The Role of the Sacred Books in the Faith of Muslims

The sacred books of Allah play a central role in the life of a Muslim, especially the Quran, which serves as a guide for spiritual, moral, and legal aspects of life. The Quran is recited, studied, and used as a source of spiritual guidance on a daily basis. Muslims believe that the Quran provides answers to all of life’s questions and forms the foundation for a life that pleases Allah.

While the Quran takes precedence, Muslims also hold the teachings of the previous scriptures in high regard. They respect the Torah, Psalms, and Gospel as part of Allah’s revelations. However, these earlier books do not play an active role in the daily spiritual life of Muslims, as the Quran is considered the final and unaltered revelation.

Modern Interpretations and the Study of the Books of Allah

In modern times, Muslim scholars have extensively studied and interpreted the role of the sacred scriptures in Islam. While the Quran remains the central holy book, there are various opinions on how the earlier scriptures should be understood and used today.

Modern scholars emphasize that the Quran should be interpreted in a way that reflects Islam’s timeless message while also addressing the contemporary challenges of the modern world. The Quran continues to serve as the foundation for moral and ethical decisions, and scholars encourage its use as a source of justice, compassion, and spiritual wisdom.

Regarding the earlier scriptures, there are discussions about how much the current versions of the Torah and the Gospel align with the original revelations. Muslims recognize the historical and theological significance of these books, but they primarily rely on the Quran as the final and ultimate revelation.

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